Published January 10, 2023

Issue Description

Economics Theory and Practice

This magazine, edited by the Autonomous Metropolitan University and published twice a year in January and July, aims to build a forum for analysis and debate on frontier economic problems related to technological innovation, growth and development, with emphasis on the study of emerging countries. The journal will publish unpublished and original theoretical and/or applied articles, particularly on: phenomena associated with technological change; the links between technological and social innovation with financial markets, growth and sustainable economic development; the role of institutions and economic regulation; the analysis of sectoral and regional economic convergence, between countries and of economic policies (fiscal, monetary, foreign exchange and industrial). Likewise, Economy Theory and Practice opens its space to the publication of scientific articles on new topics in economic science.


Genaro Cruz-Salas, Ignacio Llamas-Huitrón, Nallely Molina-Velasco
Gilberto Martínez Sidón, German Osorio Novela, Ana Lourdes Morones Carrillo
Roberto Gallardo Del Angel
Orlando Reyes Martínez, Anna Matas
Nelly Cristina Ramírez Grimaldo, Joana Cecilia Chapa Cantú, Juan Rositas Martínez
Seyka Verónica Sandoval Cabrera, Blanca Araceli Borja Rodríguez
Raúl de Jesús-Gutiérrez
Hugo Amador Herrera Torres
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