No. 60 (2024)

Theoretical-empirical foundations of university-government knowledge collaboration

Rodolfo García Galván
Cátedra-Conacyt en Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo Educativo de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Published October 3, 2024


The antecedents of the analysis of the relationship between the generation of knowledge in universi-
ties and its use in solving public and social problems can be traced back to a century ago, but it is only since the 1980s that there has been a more direct conviction that this collaboration should become a reality. Likewise, this paper assumes that there are ontological elements that make the production of knowledge coincide with its demand to address social and public problems. Indeed, the purpose of this paper is to understand and explain the theoretical and political foundations of knowledge mediated collaboration between universities and the government in Mexico. The empirical evidence shows, as an important finding, that this type of collaboration exists, albeit at a minimal level, but that there is potential to broaden and deepen it.