No. especial (2020)

Covid-19 como acelerador del tránsito hacia un nuevo modelo educativo: análisis, retos y obstáculos

Ignacio Llamas Huitrón
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa
Published February 16, 2021


The article shows that the emergence of covid-19 has had an accelerator effect on the adoption of new ICT in education systems, particularly in the Mexican education system. It emphasizes the distinction between workplace education and school education, as well as between physical technologies and social technologies used in educational activity from a brief presentation of the historical evolution of education systems in the Western world. Emphasis is placed on the joint evolution of these technologies and that both generally originate from productive activities. It seeks to show that social technologies can curb the application, and even creation, of physical technologies.  It also describes current educational models and argues that the physical technologies developed in recent times point to the adoption and development of a virtual educational model, which will allow a set of possibilities to develop teamwork and cooperation skills, as well as the development of individualization of people through the design of a curriculum according to the potentials of each individual.