Núm. 42 (2015)

A case study of the Mexican avocado industry based on transaction costs and supply chain management practices

Jaime Arana Coronado
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
Jos Bijman
Wageningen University
Onno Omta
Wageningen University
Alfons Oude Lansink
Wageningen University
Publicado junio 11, 2015


The present study is based on transaction cost economics and supply chain management to analyze how the adoption of supply chain management practices in the Mexican avocado industry reduces the transaction costs between producers and packers. Two sources of information are used: interviews from different stakeholders and reviews of documents. Conclusions show that the adoption of three practices, product standardization, supplier partnership, and information exchange, has been a solution when challenges such as enhancing quality, obtaining reliable supply, and coordinating supply and demand conditions, are faced in a supply chain.


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